21st Gentleman

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Dress to Impress

Dressing like a gentleman has been a skewed image for quite some time now. Is it wearing your blue jeans and Busch light t-shirt? Or is it wearing a three piece suit and top hat? The truth is that either is acceptable. It all depends on what you’re doing and where you’re going.

Dress For Success

There are so many times where it PAYS to dress well. If you are going for a job interview, a first date, or a dinner party with your boss. Wear a nicely ironed dress shirt, dress slacks if you have them, or khakis. Ties are recommended. Be prepared! Don’t walk out of the house without a coat or jacket. I don’t care how hot it is find one that works. The last thing you want is for that nice dress shirt to get something spilled or smeared on it before the big day! Jackets and coats offer a little protection. I like to wear my leather motorcycle jacket, it’s not super fancy, but still looks good, it’s virtually water and stain proof, and it’s warm enough for winter yet not too hot for warmer months. Get a nice pair of shoes, if you don’t know what dress shoes are look for a pair of leather lace up shoes. I strongly suggest not wearing a hat, because the proper thing to do is remove it while indoors, leaving you with messy hat hair (unless you’re bald).

Casual Outings

Whats considered a casual outing?

  • Dinner with friends (not a dinner party)

  • Going to the park

  • Shopping

  • Basically, anytime you go out in public

Casual means you don’t have to be very fancy and you should be somewhat comfortable. I have a huge collection of sweaters that I wear 9 months out of the year. It hits 95°F here in the summer and no one can be comfortable in a sweater with that heat. I keep my nice t-shirts for summertime. This is where people think the Busch light shirt is okay, it’s not. I’m talking nice premium blend shirts with no logos. Words or art is acceptable as long as they are tasteful, no cursing or crude humor. If you like polo shirts, feel free to rock a polo all summer, just make sure to switch it up and stay away from big printed logos like Nike, Calloway, and Adidas, so you don’t look like a golfer wannabe. Cargo shorts are fine to wear, I personally love my cargo shorts because I always have too much to carry, especially when hiking. Stay away from plaid cargo shorts, I can’t explain it but they just look messy. I shouldn’t need to say this but I will, NO RATTY JEANS OR ATHLETIC WEAR. Don’t leave the house in ripped up and stained jeans, those are for working around the house. Athletic shorts are to be worn at the gym, or while exercising, that is it! You should always dress well in public, because everyone you see could be your next, customer, boss, significant other, etc. Make a good impression.


I lounge around till noon in my sweats if I can, and there’s nothing wrong with that. After noon, or after lunch is a good time to clean yourself up and get ready for the day even if you’re not going anywhere. Sometimes people might stop over unannounced to say hello, so be prepared to answer the door not looking like you just got up. You can still wear comfortable clothes, maybe a worn in pair of pants and a flannel shirt. Summertime is upon us and I’m ready to break out my shorts and tank tops! Bottom line, your house is your haven, you can dress however you’d like, but be prepared for company or suffer the embarrassing consequences!

So don’t throw out that three piece suit, but maybe trade that Busch light shirt for an official 21st Gentleman shirt. Dress for the occasion and always make a good impression.

Stay Classy, Gents.