Catch of the Day

alligator reef light on the horizon, bow of boat on the ocean

Fishing is one of the most ancient and well respected source of food. From biblical times to the massive tournaments of today, it remains a passageway to becoming a man.

fishing duo, father and son, outdoor sunrise on the lake, lake erie

Generation after generation

I owe all of my knowledge about fishing to three great men in my life, my grandfather, father, and brother-in-law. From the time I was a 5 year old boy going to Lake Wilhelm under the bridge, Two Mile Run with my father, Lake Erie, and the Keys with my brother-in-law. All of them my elder, just trying to pass the skill on for another generation.

spicy fish dinner with pasta and asparagus

Eating Good

Wild caught fish is arguably one of the healthiest meats to consume. There are so many different species of fish, each having a unique flavor, so there are an unlimited amount of recipes. Nothing compares to the sense of accomplishment that comes from catching, cleaning, and cooking your own dinner.

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Life on the Water

I love to be on the water, rocking in the waves, gulls flying through the air, and the sound of the reel clicking as a fish is being brought in. Some guys just aren’t built for it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it! Yes I’m talking about sea sickness, I never get it! My father on the other hand didn’t do so well the first time he came out on my brother-in-laws boat. If you don’t know what sea sickness is, first off congratulations, it is another name for motion sickness. When you are 12-200 miles offshore there’s no turning back for someone throwing up. Luckily for my father, my brother-in-law was nice enough to take him back to shore where he could regain his composure. There’s various kinds of medication to offset motion sickness, pills and patches, that must be taken the night before. Even after my fathers horrible first experience, every time I talked to him he says he’s aching to try it again (with medication this time)!

You don’t need a boat or tons of gear to get started, find an old pole with a reel, get a hook, line, and some bait. Sitting by a creek all day with a line in the water is the best therapy you will find. I can’t wait to get back on the boat this weekend for the first time this year! Stay tuned for fish recipes and fishing advice!


Man’s Best Friend


Breaking the Roles