Breaking the Roles

Older generations struggled with the stereotype that housework was a womans work. Men didn’t belong in the kitchen and should never have to pick up a broom. This unfortunately led to following generations believing that if you liked to cook, clean, and sew you were not a “real man” that girls would laugh at. Well fellas, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Women absolutely love a man that cooks, cleans, and helps out with house chores. I personally love to cook and have done all of the cooking in our house since I moved in with my wife. However, I’m not the best cleaner, but I still give my wife a hand when I can!


Cajun Brown Sugar Glazed Salmon w/ Sauteed Asparagus Spears and Parmesan Angel Hair

Some of the best chefs in the world are men, for Pete’s sake!! The culinary arts are to be shared by everyone, men and women. You may not be Gordon Ramsay, but you should still learn the basics of cooking even if it’s just so your mom can have a break. If you have a significant other who cooks most of the time, be romantic and surprise them with a beautiful meal. Check out some of my super easy and delicious recipes in Cramer Cooks! Start small by making some an Easy Tuscan Chicken Pasta, easy to make but will WOW any guest!


My mother will fall over laughing at this one. When I was a kid and all through my teenage years I was a slob and unorganized. After living on my own with my lovely wife, I saw the necessity to have organization in everything and cleaning is essential to organization. Odds are if you can’t find the tool your looking for or the screws you just bought, it’s because you didn’t put them where they belong or they didn’t have a place. Cleaning might not be the most fun chore to do, but it needs done regardless. Don’t let your significant other slave away cleaning by themselves. Crank up the music and grab a broom, mop, rag, or just ask them how you can help. After all it’s not like they made the mess all by themself!

Cramer Craft hand-stitched back patch on custom shoulder holster


Sewing may be the most useful skill that not very many men know. Think about the days before industry, when you hunted and gathered for your job. In those days you had to gather hides, furs, and sinew to make clothes for yourself to shield your body from the intense sun or freezing temperatures. They used sewing to make shelter, sails, and nets! So next time you think sewing is for grandmas, remember that sewing is a skill of survival. Whether it’s replacing a button on your favorite shirt or stitching a new gun holster, grab a needle and thread, but try not to stab yourself too many times!

So Gents, break the roles a little, don’t fall in to the “real man” trap, and help out your significant other. If you don’t have one, quit bothering your mom to do everything for you.


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